Object-Oriented Programming


Michael L. Collard, Ph.D.

Department of Computer Science, The University of Akron

General Design Principles

  • Consistency
  • Hide as many details as possible, e.g., reduce the scope
  • Only provide choice when necessary
  • What does a "simple design" mean?
  • Good defaults

Importance of Naming

  • Again, one of the most challenging parts of design
  • Good names require extensive use of the system over a long time
  • For an API, they require lots of different examples

Modeling & Diagrams

  • It is very difficult to talk about modeling without the appropriate diagrams
  • Used UML Class Diagrams and UML Sequence Diagrams, but there are many others
  • Write code, then draw diagrams? Or draw diagrams, then code?
  • UmlAsSketch

Design is about choices

  • Quick fix vs. real solution
  • Patch or wrapper vs. core change
  • New features vs. old reliables
  • Clarity vs. efficiency
  • Code (low-level) vs. Models (high-level)

Change is Constant

  • New language features to implement current design better
  • New languages, including DSLs (Domain Specific Languages)
  • New views on old design patterns and idioms
  • New design patterns and idioms

Must be able to…

  • Discuss design choices intelligently
  • Be open to changing your thinking and your current design choices
  • Keep up with new language features and new design ideas

Software & People

  • Software is designed to help people and for people to use
  • Software is designed and implemented by people
  • Project skills are much more than just technical skills