Object-Oriented Programming

Design Pattern Strategy

Michael L. Collard, Ph.D.

Department of Computer Science, The University of Akron


Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable

Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it

Strategy: Motivation


  • Usage: Compose Text
  • Needs to be broken into lines
  • Hyphenation to create more uniform lines
  • Text compositions are quite complex
  • Current design only allows a single composition algorithm

Strategy: Motivation Problems


  • Multiple ways to break text into lines
  • Hardcoding the algorithms into the Compositor class is difficult
  • If you add the line-breaking code into Compositor, it becomes more complex, especially with multiple algorithms
  • Different algorithms are appropriate at different times, and we don't want to support them all
  • When the Compositor directly contains the line-breaking code, it is difficult to add new algorithms and change existing

Strategy: Motivation Problems


Strategy: Motivation


Strategy: Motivation Roles


  • Composition class - maintains and updates line breaks of text
  • Line-breaking strategies are implemented by subclasses of the (abstract) Compositor class
  • SimpleCompositor - a simple strategy for determining line breaks
  • TeXCompositor - implements the TEX algorithm that optimizes line breaks an entire paragraph at a time
  • ArrayCompositor - implements a strategy so that each row has a fixed number of items

Strategy: Structure


Strategy: Applicability


  • Many related classes differ only in behavior
  • Different variants of an algorithm are needed, often for different space/time tradeoffs
  • The algorithm uses data the client should not know about or had dependencies we want to leave out of the client
  • A class has many behaviors, and the operations have multiple conditional statements. Move the switch statement into its own Strategy class

Strategy: Participants


  • Strategy (e.g., Compositor)
  • Declares an interface common to all supported algorithms
  • Context uses this interface to call the algorithm defined by a ConcreteStrategy
  • ConcreteStrategy (e.g., SimpleCompositor, TeXCompositor, ArrayCompositor)
  • Implements the algorithm using the Strategy interface
  • Context (e.g., Composition)
  • Configured with a ConcreteStrategy object
  • Maintains a reference to a Strategy object
  • May define an interface that lets Strategy access its data

Strategy: Collaborations


  • Strategy and Context interact to implement the chosen algorithm:
  • A Context passes data required by the algorithm to the Strategy in the call
  • A Context can pass itself as an argument to Strategy operations
  • A Context forwards requests from its clients to its Strategy
  • Clients usually create and pass a ConcreteStrategy to the context
  • Typically, the client chooses from a family of ConcreteStrategy classes

Strategy: Advantages


  • Families of related algorithms
  • An alternative to subclassing the Context class
  • Eliminate conditional statements
  • Wide choice of implementation

Strategy: Disadvantages


  • Clients must pick which algorithm to use
  • Communication overhead between Strategy and Context
  • Increases the number of objects



Known Uses


  • RTL System for compiler code optimization [JML92]- strategies define different register allocation schemes (RegisterAllocator), and instruction set scheduling policies (RISCscheduler, CISCscheduler)
  • ET++SwapsManager calculation engine framework computes prices for different financial instruments [EG92]
  • ConcreteStrategy classes for generating cash flows, valuing swaps, and calculating discount factors

Related Patterns


  • Template Method
  • Flyweight