Object-Oriented Programming

Git Basics

Michael L. Collard, Ph.D.

Department of Computer Science, The University of Akron

Git Local Repository Setup

Create local repository from remote with default directory git clone https://github.com/mlcollard/OOPS24-Rainfall-010.git
Create local repository from remote with named directory git clone https://github.com/mlcollard/OOPS24-Rainfall-010.git Rainfall

Git Workflow 1

Update local repository from remote repository (e.g., GitHub) git pull
Edit files locally, e.g., add a header comment to the file rainfall.cpp  
Commit current changes to the local repository git commit -am "Add a header comment"
Update remote repository from local repository git push
View commit log git log

Workflow Notes

  • Only have to pull once per session (but no harm in doing so multiple times)
  • You can wait to push, e.g., if you are offline
  • Use this workflow as you develop, not just at the end

Git Workflow 2

Update local repository from remote repository (e.g., GitHub) git pull
Edit files locally, e.g., add a header comment to the file rainfall.cpp  
Stage commits in the local repository git add rainfall.cpp
Commit staged changes to the local repository git commit -m "Add a header comment"
View current staged and modified files git status
View diff of modified files git diff
View diff of staged files git diff --cached
Update remote repository from local repository git push


  • Commit as you finish parts of the work, not just at the end of the work.
  • In general, you cannot commit too often but try to commit complete thoughts (something you can write a good commit message for)
  • After every commit, the project should still build and work

Commit Messages

  • Think about the commit messages you are using. Note that they are commands (imperative). They finish the sentence:
  • If applied, this commit will <commit message>
  • E.g., If applied, this commit will Add a header comment
  • How to Write a Git Commit Message

Git Tags

  • Way to mark particular points in development, basically a ref (reference) to a commit
  • You cannot commit to a tag
  • Much of project build and distribution is dependent on tags, e.g., GitHub Releases
  • We will only use lightweight tags
  • Tags are cheap and easy to create, delete, and therefore easy to change
  • Always verify the tag is present at GitHub

Tag: v1a

List tags git tag
Create lightweight tag git tag v1a
Push tag to server git push origin v1a
Checkout a tag git checkout v1a
Delete local tag git tag -d v1a
Delete remote tag git push origin --delete v1a