Object-Oriented Programming


Michael L. Collard, Ph.D.

Department of Computer Science, The University of Akron

Sequence Diagram: Original

  • Scenario: Single key/value
  •        Docker Report code
  •        Low-level YAML parsing code
  •        YAML parsing loop code
  • Full Diagram

UML Class Diagram: Current YAMLParser

  • The multiple public methods correspond to specific predicates and parsing
  • Requires complex use by the client (DockerReport)
  • Low-level parsing is encapsulated and follows information hiding
  • High-level code for parsing is still in the application

Sequence Diagram: YAMLParser

  • Scenario: Single key/value
  •        Docker Report
  •        Low-level YAML parsing
  •        YAML parsing loop
  • Many YAML concerns still exist in DockerReport
  • Cannot move loop concern to YAMLParser because of repeated calls to code with DockerReport concerns
  • Full Diagram
  • Compare to Original

Inversion of Control (IoC)

  • Inverts part of the control flow of the program
  • Instead of your code calling a function/method, you register parts of your code, and the function/method calls those parts of your code at the appropriate time
  • Similar to much event-driven programming
  • For low-level functionality with a function, typically called a callback
  • May be a single method or an entire object
  • Essential for frameworks

Extension Points

  • What points in the program can you register a handler for
  • Every extension point has a single handler
  • The handler is passed all data as parameters
  • In all our examples, the parameters are IN, but with some IoC, the parameters can be OUT or IN/OUT

YAMLParser Extension Points

  • Start Document
  • Key: name
  • Value: value
  • End Document

UML Class Diagram: YAMLParser IoC

  • Single public method, parse() is the only one the client uses to parse the YAML
  • All predicates and parsing methods are now private
  • Straightforward use by the client (DockerReport)
  • Low-level parsing is encapsulated and follows information hiding
  • High-level code for parsing is in the parse() method

IoC YAMLParser


  • Scenario: Single key/value
  •        Docker Report
  •        Low-level YAML parsing
  •        YAML parsing loop
  • Full Diagram
  • Compare to non-IoC

IoC YAMLParser: Registration

Adding Handlers

Type Example Notes
function pointers Limited to free functions (empty lambda capture)
Very fast
std::function No limitations
Very slow
C++ templates No limitations
Extremely fast