Object-Oriented Programming

Software Architecture

Michael L. Collard, Ph.D.

Department of Computer Science, The University of Akron

System/Subsystem Design


System/Subsystem Design


  • subsystem provides a set of services to the system
  • A set of related operations that share a common purpose
  • subsystem interface a set of services available to other systems
  • Application Programmer Interface (API) includes the names of operations, parameters/types, and return types
  • System design focuses on defining services

Architectural Style

An architectural style defines a family of systems in terms of a pattern of structural organization

  • components, e.g., client, server, DB
  • connectors, e.g., procedure call, pipe, event broadcast
  • Consists of:
  • Vocabulary of components and connectors
  • Constraints on how they are combined

Common Architectural Styles

  • Dataflow Systems: Pipe and Filter, Batch Sequential
  • Virtual Machines: Rule-based Systems, Interpreters
  • Repository: Databases, Hypertext Systems, Blackboards
  • Independent Components: Peer-to-Peer, Client Server, Model/View/Controller, Event Driven
  • Call and Return Systems: Main Program and Subroutines, Layered Systems, Object-Oriented Systems

Pipe and Filter Architecture

Pipe and Filter Architecture

  • Subsystems are called filters and associations between the filters are called pipes
  • Filters only know the content and format of data being received and produced; nothing about the other filters in the system
  • Filters execute concurrently with synchronization via pipes
  • Very reconfigurable
  • Transformational systems

Pipe and Filter Example

Batch Sequential Architecture


Batch Sequential Architecture


  • A small number of large stand-alone subsystems
  • Must be executed in a fixed sequential ordering (batch)
  • Typically work on large flat files, transforming the file into a new format or a new ordering so the next subsystem can work on the data
  • The shared, specific file tightly couples the subsystems
  • No real-time feedback, no concurrency

Batch Sequential Example


Batch Sequential Example


  • Validate must complete and output before Sort
  • Sort must complete and output before Update
  • Update must complete and output before Report
  • Each subsystem may have a different output format
  • Each subsystem is developed based on the previous subsystem's output format
  • No concurrency

Layered Architecture

Hierarchical decomposition of a system into subsystems (layers), with each providing a higher level of services provided from lower-level subsystems

  • E.g., Presentation Layer
  • E.g., Business Layer
  • E.g., Data Layer

Closed Architecture: OSI Network Model

  • closed architecture
  • Each layer can only depend on the layer immediately below
  • For data, it must flow from bottom to top, stopping at every layer

Open Architecture: Motif Library

  • open architecture
  • Each layer can access any layer below
  • Functionality and can be accessed from any layer below

Repository Architecture

Repository Architecture

  • Subsystems are independent and interact by a central repository
  • Examples: Payroll or banking system, Modern IDE/Compiler, Blackboard

Repository: IDE





  • Subsystems
  • model subsystems are responsible for maintaining domain knowledge
  • view subsystems are for displaying knowledge to the user
  • controller subsystems manage the interactions with the user
  • Model subsystems do not depend on view or controllers.
  • Changes in model state propagate via a subscribe-notify protocol
  • Examples: File system, database

Client/Server Architecture


Client/Server Architecture


  • Subsystems:
  • Server provides one or more services to instances of clients
  • Clients ask for services, and clients interact with users
  • An information system with a central DB is an example
  • Web servers (multiple servers)

Peer-to-Peer Architecture


Peer-to-Peer Architecture


  • Generalization of client/server: clients can be servers and vice versa
  • The control flow of each subsystem is independent of others except for the synchronization of requests.




Virtual Machine Architecture


Virtual Machine Architecture


  • Program Holds a program to execute in a particular language, probably a DSL
  • Interpreter Knows how to decode the language instruction
  • WorkingMemory Memory for the VirtualMachine
  • VirtualMachine
    1. Fetch the instruction
    2. Fetch the data
    3. Execute the instruction
    4. Store the result in the WorkingMemory
    5. Update the Interpreter

Process Control Architecture


Process Control Architecture


  • Controller gets feedback from a set of Sensors
  • Controller performs actions on a set of Actuators

Event-Driven Architecture


Event-Driven Architecture


  • Main EventLoop controls Subsystems
  • Subsystem contains handlers
  • EventLoop notifies Subsystems

Plug-In Architecture

  • core system
  • plug-in components
  • Mix and match freely
  • E.g., builtin vs. plug-in parsers


  • Each of the architectures controls how you add subsystems to the system
  • May define the output and input path
  • May define characteristics of the output and input format
  • It is difficult to add a subsystem that does not fit the architecture
  • Each type may be linked to a particular industry or application type