Object-Oriented Programming

UML Association

Michael L. Collard, Ph.D.

Department of Computer Science, The University of Akron

Properties: Attributes & Association (review)

  • Another notation for property (alternative to attribute)
  • Use attributes for properties that are datatypes, e.g., primitive types or whatever is considered a data type in your design
  • Use an association for a class, especially if the methods of the class are of interest at the design level

Association: One class has an element of another class

UML Class Relationships

Relationship Description
Dependency uses a
Generalization is a
Association has a
Aggregation (Association) has a
Composition (Association) has a


  • Target belongs only to the source
  • Source (e.g., University) controls the lifetime of the target (e.g., College)

Composition Code

  • Code: fields/data members of
  • direct type
  • containers
  • pointers/references to objects created (and destroyed) internally (discussed later)


  • part of relationship
  • Special kind of association with roles and multiplicities often used
  • Targets may be shared, e.g., a member can belong to many different clubs
  • The source (e.g., Club) doesn't control the lifetime of the target (e.g., Member)
  • Code: Fields (data members) are pointers/references to this type, and the objects are created externally

Aggregation: C++ References

  • Simpler syntax than pointers
  • Sure (?) that the object exists
  • Can only be changed in a member initialization list
  • Cannot be directly part of a container (workaround: std::reference_wrapper)
  • References to local objects whose lifetime may disappear

Aggregation: C++ Pointers

  • Much more flexible, can be changed at any time
  • More complex syntax
  • May be nullptr, so have to check before use
  • More difficult to manage lifetime, Who deletes?

Aggregation: std::shared_ptr<>

  • Similar to std::unique_ptr<>, but allows multiple clients
  • As the last client is deleted, then the pointer is deleted
  • Easier to manage lifetime, as the pointer is shared
  • Suggest as the first choice

Composition Can Occur Even With:

Smart Pointers

Composition with References

  • References to other fields
  • Still composition since the class Club controls the lifetime of the object being referenced, e.g., emptyPolicy and fullPolicy

Composition with Pointers

  • Pointers to objects created and destroyed by the class
  • Typically allocated in the constructor (or later on) and deleted in the destructor
  • The class Club controls the lifetime of policy
  • This is still composition

Composition with Smart Pointers

  • When the Club destructor is called, the std::unique_ptr<> handles the delete of the allocated memory from the objects
  • This is still composition

Composition vs. Aggregation

  • Prefer Composition to Aggregation as the object's lifetime is clearer
  • Aggregation has particular roles in more complex relationships, especially with polymorphic data members
  • Two are often confused, and terms used interchangeably