CPSC 480-010 Software Engineering (SE) Fall 2023

Project 2: Iteration Plan

Project 2 is due by 8 am on Monday, Oct 16 Wednesday, Oct 18. A GitHub Classroom invitation link is on the Brightspace course page.

For Project 2, take all the user stories from Project 1 and create a series of iteration plans.

Use the examples in the book to show which parts of the user story you should show in your iteration plan (e.g., do not restate descriptions). Also, clearly state the entire new iteration plan for each plan, not just the changes. However, make sure to thoroughly discuss what the change was and what effect it had.

This is an individual project. Each member of a team has different user-story priorities. To get individual priorities for Project 2, select the number of user stories:

User Stories: 30

Note: You may get a warning from your browser that the information is not secure. You can safely ignore that.

Put these in the Priority field in the order that you listed the user stories. In the report, do not discuss how you generated your report's priorities, i.e., pretend that the customer gave them.

The following plans may have you add additional user stories. This violates our rule that only the development team can create estimates. However, as part of the exercise, put in an estimate.

Each plan is a point in time. For each plan, show the entire estimation plan, including the iterations already completed.

Plan Events
1 Create an initial iteration plan: 2 Weeks (14 calendar days) iteration, 2 developers, 0.6 velocity
2 The customer adds two new user stories of the highest priority at the very end of the first iteration. For the two new user stories, one is a new feature, and one is an emergency. Create a non-trivial estimate (i.e., an estimate that makes the planning interesting) for these new user stories.
3 A user story with a non-trivial estimate is taking twice as long. Assume this occurred right before the last iteration.
4 At the beginning of the last iteration of your current plan, the other developer leaves for another project, and it is up to you to finish the project.

After the plans, put in a section with all of your user stories, with the title, description, estimate, and priority. You will need estimates for all of your user stories.