CPSC 480-010 Software Engineering (SE) Fall 2024

Exercise 25: Team Iteration Posted: Oct 01

As a team, create the first iteration.

Ideally, we would have enough Team Meeting time to estimate all user stories using Planning Poker. However, we do not and almost all teams only have enough user stories for trivial iteration planning. To make up for this, I am providing estimates for the rest of your user stories. Enter the following:

Current Maximum User Story Estimate:
Missing User Story Estimates:

Note: You may get a warning from your browser that the information is not secure. You can safely ignore that.

Add these estimates to your user story cards.

The other missing item are the priorities. These come from the customer. To get priorities, select the number of user stories:

User Stories:

Add these priorities to your user stories.

You have 1 developer and a one-month iteration with a 70% velocity.

Use the principles in the book to decide which user stories belong in the first iteration.

Individually, each team member will turn in to Brightspace notes with the following:

Do not assume any dependencies between user stories.

The notes are due by the end of class. They can be a PDF (print to file from a computing device) or a JPG (picture taken via phone).

If you finish early, use planning poker to work on more estimates for your user stories.