Greetings and welcome to CPSC 480 Software Engineering (SE) section 010 for Fall 2024.
Syllabus The draft syllabus for the course is on the main course page. I will finalize the syllabus before our first class meeting.
Survey The first exercise is to fill out the class survey. The survey is due after our first class meeting, but you can complete it before.
Textbook The course has two textbooks. We start with the Head First Software Development (HFSD), available from Safari Books Online via a link at the bottom of the main course page.
GitHub In the class, we use GitHub and GitHub Classroom to manage documents and source code for projects and examples. You are required to have a GitHub account. The account email (not necessarily the account name) should be your email address. If it is, you can apply for the Student Github Developer Pack and get a free GitHub Pro account.
See you on Tuesday, Aug 27 at 12:15 - 1:30 pm in (CAS) room 135