CPSC 480-020 Software Engineering (SE) Fall 2023

Exercise 11: Team User Story Estimates

As a team, create estimates for the user stories by playing planning poker using the procedure described on pages 48-49 of the book.

When the team reaches a consensus for the estimate, place the estimate at the bottom of the User Story on a separate line, e.g., "Estimate: 1 day" or "Estimate: 3 days".

Individually, each team member will turn in to Brightspace individual notes that include for each round of planning poker:

If the team is not able to come to a consensus, table that User Story and go on to another one.

The notes are due by the end of class. They can be in the form of a PDF (print to file from a computing device), or a JPG (picture taken via your phone).

The more you work with the user stories, the more you will find improvements to them. Be sure to make those improvements.