Welcome Posted: Aug 06
Greetings and welcome to CPSC 480 Software Engineering (SE) section 020 for Fall 2024.
- Syllabus The draft syllabus for the course is on the main course page. I will finalize the syllabus before our first class meeting.
- Survey The first exercise is to fill out the class survey. The survey is due after our first class meeting, but you can complete it before.
- Textbook The course has two textbooks. We start with the Head First Software Development (HFSD), available from Safari Books Online via a link at the bottom of the main course page.
- GitHub In the class, we use GitHub and GitHub Classroom to manage documents and source code for projects and examples. You are required to have a GitHub account. The account email (not necessarily the account name) should be your @uakron.edu email address. If it is, you can apply for the Student Github Developer Pack and get a free GitHub Pro account.
See you on Tuesday, Aug 27 at  2:00 - 3:15 pm in (CAS) room 134