TR 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm Arts & Sciences (CAS) 134
Week 5 Class 10 Thu Feb 13 Posted: Feb 13
After Class
President's Day Observance Tuesday, Feb 18 University open, no classes
Papers for Thursday, Feb 20:
K. Eng and A. Hindle, "Revisiting Dockerfiles in Open Source Software Over Time" 2021 IEEE/ACM 18th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), Madrid, Spain, 2021, pp. 449-459, doi: 10.1109/MSR52588.2021.00057
A. Foundjem, E. E. Eghan and B. Adams, "A Grounded Theory of Cross-Community SECOs: Feedback Diversity Versus Synchronization" in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 49, no. 10, pp. 4731-4750, 1 Oct. 2023, doi:10.1109/TSE.2023.3313875.
Exercise 4: Research Paper Idea II Due: Noon Friday, Feb 21
Refine your research paper idea based on my previous feedback and the feedback from your classmates. Include the following:
Flint, S.W., Chauhan, J. & Dyer, R. "Pitfalls and guidelines for using time-based Git data" Empirical Software Engineering 27, 194 (2022).
Tapajit Dey and Audris Mockus, "Effect of Technical and Social Factors on Pull Request Quality for the NPM Ecosystem". Proceedings of the 14th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 11, 1–11.