Week 3 Class 6 Thu Jan 30 Posted: Jan 30
After Class
Project 1 v1a
Scores (out of 20 possible) are in Brightspace for Project 1. The feedback is in GitHub in the Issues tab of your repository. Issues include:
Do not expect that every part (e.g., v1b, etc.) will be graded before the next part is due. This is a straightforward part. The rest of the parts involve a lot more coding. Also, for some parts, I want to grade the parts together.
The first step of Project 2 will be to fix these issues. You can fix these issues now or later. For small changes, I suggest now. Use a commit message that starts with "Fix". After the issue is fixed, close the issue.
Project 1 v1c
Added the due date for v1c.
The Coding Practices Task List is an issue in your GitHub repository.
You will not be asked to explain or define any XML terminology as part of any exam. However, to discuss the problem domain of the project, we require this terminology.
You will need to understand that the parts of XML are a concern, and also that the implementation of a parser for XML is another concern. We will cover the idea of a concern later on.
Exercise 18: Rainfall V
Continuing on using the workflow from Rainfall I
As before, you can follow along and see the commits that I make in class:
Unless otherwise noted, exercises are due by 4:30 pm on Monday, Feb 3.