Week 2 Class 3 Tue Jan 21 Posted: Jan 21
Special Announcement
Class Meeting 3 on Tuesday, Jan. 21, is remote. We will meet via Teams during class meeting time.
The class meeting should appear on your Teams calendar. If not, there is a direct link in Brightspace.
I posted a feedback report, Report1.md, in your repository under the branch feedback. I strongly suggest looking at it on GitHub:
I posted the scores and any additional comments in Brightspace
Report1.md Example report.
Points were taken off for:
Also, do not use term "assignment" or "exercise" in your code. We simulate working on real code.
If you have spacing or wording to fix, you can fix them. However, these commits must start with the word "Fix". Not "Fixing", "Fixed", or "fix", but "Fix".
Exercise 6: Development Environment Setup Results
If you do not have cmake 3.31 or later, you will have problems with further exercises and the projects. Follow my Development Environment Setup instructions. If you have issues or problems setting it up, do not ignore it.
Exercise 9: Rainfall II
Continuing on using the workflow from Rainfall I
As before, you can follow along and see the commits that I make in class:
If you have any questions or issues, make sure to contact me.
Unless otherwise noted, exercises are due by 4:30 pm on Wed Jan 22