Week 4 Class 7 Tue Feb 04 Posted: Feb 04
After Class
- Project 1 Pull request for xml_parser, as used in part v1d, is in your repository. It adds the (empty) files xml_parser.hpp and xml_parser.cpp. It also updates the build so that xml_parser.cpp is compiled.
- General Note If I state there is a pull request, a branch, or a report, and you do not see it in your repository, then check in the GitHub Repository (not GitHub Codespaces). If you do not see it, let me know. Creating these for the whole class is a bit unreliable and sometimes a repository may be skipped.
Project 1
- Posted due dates for parts v1d and v1e
- No scores/feedback for v1b. I will wait until after v1c.
- Exercise 18: Rainfall V Report5.md in the feedback branch, scores in Brightspace.
- Guide: srcML Guide to using srcML
Unless otherwise noted, exercises are due by 4:30 pm on Wed Feb 05