Week 5 Class 9 Tue Feb 11 Posted: Feb 11
After Class
v1c Issues posted in GitHub. Scores will be added to Brightspace later.
Issues include:
I have some more feedback on the contents of comments, but they will not affect your score.
Notes: Method Naming Standards
We will follow these naming standards in this course.
Demonstrate the running of your program with TRACE on for a:
You will have to create the srcML for each of these code examples. Use the srcML Playground. Keep the examples as short as possible (i.e., only include a comment). Download these files and have them ready before you start the screencast. Also before the screencast, build with the TRACE option on.
The form to submit the asciinema link is in the title of this exercise.
To make the output cleaner, redirect the generate table to a file ./srcfacts < FILENAME > report.md
Unless otherwise noted, exercises are due by 4:30 pm on Wed Feb 12