Week 7 Class 12 Tue Feb 25 Posted: Feb 25
Project 1 Scores Project 1 scores for parts v1a - v1e are posted.
I changed how the scores are presented. The grade item Project 1 has the overall score, out of 100 points (parts v1a, v1b, v1c, v1d, and v1e). In addition, the individual part scores are reported in separated grade entries, e.g., Project 1 v1a.
Excercise 33: Utilities II
Extended due date: 4:30 pm on Wed Feb 26
Note that if you don't have a 0 or 10/10, that to get points you must make commits and fix your code.
srcml on macOS I have an experimental brew package for the srcml client on macOS. With brew
To verify if srcml
is installed:
You can run this, from the build directory, on a source-code file and then run with srcfacts:
Or, direct entry of text:
Demo: Cohesive Declarations
Exercise 39: Cohesive Declarations
Perform the commits for each choice of ordering declarations.
Unless otherwise noted, exercises are due by 4:30 pm on Wed Feb 26