Week 9 Class 16 Tue Oct 22 Posted: Oct 22
Exercise 31: Makefile
If you did this exercise, but received less than a 9/10, I will allow you to redo it. Email me for instructions.
To switch to the commit with the Makefile:
To return to the head of the main branch:
Make prerequisite graph for srcComplexity:
To switch to the commit with CMakeLists.txt:
Release build:
Debug build:
To return to the head of the main branch:
Exercise 33: Build Configurations
Enter in the same values as I did into the Build Configurations table. Then, save a copy of the web page as a PDF and upload to Brightspace.
Note: We did not get to this, so this is delayed until next class meeting.
Guide: assert() and Unit Testing
A GitHub Classroom link for AddTest is on Brightspace.
Exercise 34: AddTest
Fix the code so that both tests pass. Make sure to commit this separately.
Then, add another single unit test following the style and formatting of the previous unit tests.
Make sure it passes all the tests before you commit.
A GitHub Classroom link for addTest is on Brightspace.
Unless stated otherwise, all exercises are due by 3 pm on Wed Oct 23