Week 9 Class 17 Thu Oct 24 Posted: Oct 24
Midterm I posted scores and the graded exam in Brightspace Assignments.
I am solely responsible for grading the midterm. The TAs did assist me with uploading the PDFs and entering the scores into Brightspace.
If you have any inquiries, feel free to email or visit during my office hours. I do not respond to exam-related queries in the classroom right before or after class.
Note: In the Final Exam, failure to answer the question in the designated place (Questions 4-9) will result in a score of 0 for that question.
Midterm General notes:
Exercise 31: Makefile
I generated a report Report.md in your repo for Exercise 31. However, I forgot to commit it.
Take a look even if you did not get any points off.
Professional CMake: A Practical Guide by Craig Scott is the best book on CMake for developers. Besides just covering the CMake features, it also has sections in each chapter with good practices and practical advice. One of the best books of its kind. It was a textbook for CPSC 489-010 T: DevOps in Spring 2024.
Recently, the first 5 chapters were released as free download.
So take a look for any questions on cmake.
LOC is a software term for Lines of Code. It is a number. It is not the line numbers, and it is definitely not the code.
Exercise 33: Build Configurations
Enter in the same values as I did into the Build Configurations table. Then, save a copy of the web page as a PDF and upload to Brightspace.
srcML Testing parser testfile, libsrcml testfile, client testfile
Exercise 37: sortTDD
NOTE We did not get to this in class. We will do this next class.
Code along in class (or later on) to the sortTDD example. The GitHub Classroom link is in Brightspace.
The TDD workflow for this code is:
Class example: sort-tdd-020
The starting code already had a commit (you won't see this) for the first pass through the TDD workflow:
Exercise 36: Team Code Coverage
NOTE Nothing to turn in for this. Your attendance will count for this.
Unless stated otherwise, all exercises are due by 3 pm on Fri Oct 25