Week 10 Class 18 Tue Oct 29 Posted: Oct 29
Exercise 34: AddTest
Exercise 38: AddTest II
Add another test to your add-test-* repository.
Before you start, accept the pull request to setup your repository for this and future tests. The pull request removes the individual test files. All tests are now only in testAdd.cpp.
Make sure to pay attention to the feedback from Exercise 34: AddTest. Note that I will not be as lenient on this excercise.
If you never did this, then you have to do Exercise 34 first.
Exercise 37: sortTDD
Code along in class (or later on) to the sortTDD example. The GitHub Classroom link is in Brightspace.
The TDD workflow for this code is:
Class example: sort-tdd-020
The starting code already had a commit (you won't see this) for the first pass through the TDD workflow:
Exercise 39: HFSD Chapter 8 Crossword
Delayed until after next class.
Exercise 40: Team Code Coverage II
Finish up the Exercise 36: Team Code Coverage.
As with almost all Team exercises, you must upload your work by the end of class.
Unless stated otherwise, all exercises are due by 3 pm on Wed Oct 30