Work Due on Wednesday, Mar 12 by 4:30 pm. See Class Meeting 15 for more details.
Midterm Exam Today, Tuesday, Mar 11
My Office and Advising Hours are cancelled on Mar 11.
Work Due on Wednesday, Mar 12 by 4:30 pm. See Class Meeting 15 for more details.
Week 8 Class 15 Thu Mar 06 Posted: Mar 06
After Class
Project 2
I graded and provided feedback on the two diagrams from Project 2. The scores are available in Brightspace, with each out of 10 points. Since you are responsible for both diagrams on the Midterm Exam, I highly recommend reviewing the feedback.
Exercise 49: Convert II
Note: Decided to delay this until our next class meeting after the Midterm Exam
Following my example in class, mark the concerns and rearrange the code to rearrange the concerns in the file.
Unless otherwise noted, exercises are due by 4:30 pm on Wednesday, Mar 12 (day after Midterm)
Week 8 Class 14 Tue Mar 04 Posted: Mar 04
Out of Town
I will be in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Mar 10-11 for the 2025 NSF CIRC & CNS MRI PI Meeting. This is required as a PI (Principal Investigator) on an NSF grant.
My RA, Mr. Kyle Rossi, along with my TAs, will proctor the Midterm Exam.
My Office and Advising Hours are cancelled on Tue, Mar 11.
Exercise 45: Sorts
For each @TODO
call and testRules:
GitHub Invitation link in Brightspace.
Implement at least 1 @TODO
by Wednesday. The rest are due on Friday.
Exercise 46: Convert
Following my example in class, first mark the current concerns. Then, rearrange the concerns in the file to separate them.
GitHub Invitation link in Brightspace.
Unless otherwise noted, exercises are due by 4:30 pm on Wed Mar 05
The Midterm Exam is during class time in our regular classroom on Tuesday, Mar 11.
You are responsible for the following:
Note that Method Stereotypes and Callbacks are not on the exam.
The exam has assorted problem types, including short answers, definitions, comparisons, drawing diagrams, and coding.
The questions are based on what I covered in class, including the exercises and projects. If I did not cover it in class, it is not on the exam.
Week 7 Class 13 Thu Feb 27 Posted: Feb 27
After Class
Exercise 43: Member Initialization List Mistake in the CMakeLists.txt file for the Image directory. It refers to:
It should be:
You can make (and commit) this change. If you have problems, let me know and I can do it for you.
Note that depending on your platform (and file system), it might not be a problem.
Exercise 43: Member Initialization List The Bank problem is really a compiler warning, not a compiler error.
However, it is more complicated than that. While clang
issues a warning, gcc
does not. Here is the clang
Fix this using member initialization lists. Do not use this->
to fix.
Exercise 43: Member Initialization List
Fix the code with the following problems in the following order:
Do not:
Perform each change in a separate commit
The GitHub Classroom link is in Brightspace.
Note: Normally, each these programs would each be in a separate Git repository. We only have them in one repository as four separate invitation links is a bit excessive.
Unless otherwise noted, exercises are due by 4:30 pm on Mon Mar 4
Week 7 Class 12 Tue Feb 25 Posted: Feb 25
Project 1 Scores Project 1 scores for parts v1a - v1e are posted.
I changed how the scores are presented. The grade item Project 1 has the overall score, out of 100 points (parts v1a, v1b, v1c, v1d, and v1e). In addition, the individual part scores are reported in separated grade entries, e.g., Project 1 v1a.
Excercise 33: Utilities II
Extended due date: 4:30 pm on Wed Feb 26
Note that if you don't have a 0 or 10/10, that to get points you must make commits and fix your code.
srcml on macOS I have an experimental brew package for the srcml client on macOS. With brew
To verify if srcml
is installed:
You can run this, from the build directory, on a source-code file and then run with srcfacts:
Or, direct entry of text:
Demo: Cohesive Declarations
Exercise 39: Cohesive Declarations
Perform the commits for each choice of ordering declarations.
Unless otherwise noted, exercises are due by 4:30 pm on Wed Feb 26
Week 6 Class 11 Thu Feb 20 Posted: Feb 20
After Class
Project 1 Scores
Project 1 scores for all parts are posted.
I changed how the scores are presented. The grade item Project 1 has the overall score, now out of 100 points (parts v1a, v1b, v1c, v1d, and v1e). In addition, the individual part scores are reported in separated grade entries:
Exercise 30: Utilities
Scores are in Brightspace.
See the note below on what I took off points for.
Underlining for Class Diagrams
[StaticClass|__+flag:Boolean__ |__static()__ ]
srcml on macOS I have an experimental brew package for the srcml client on macOS. If you are on macOS, let me know if it does or does not work. With brew
To verify if srcml
is installed:
You can run this, from the build directory, on a source-code file and then run with srcfacts:
Or, direct entry of text:
Project 2
v1e Issue: Unnecessary added XML parsing code
The purpose of v1e was to show how the new design makes adding functionality easier. Unfortunately, some implementations added low-level parsing code that was not necessary, and, in many cases, broke the parsing, especially with the BIGDATA.
At most for each added count you needed:
You are not writing XML parsing code. I already did that. You are redesigning the code.
v1e Issue: Code assumes unique attribute and value
The code that counts the number of line comments assumes that the comment element is the only element that has the form: <… type="line">
While not verified, it is also probably the case that the code for counting the number of literal strings has the same limitation.
These elements do have these forms. But assuming this is true for all other srcML elements, current or future, is an assumption that is never stated or described. The choice is to describe in excruciating detail why this is the case, how someone could detect it, and what to do with their data when this happens. This requires forms that have to go to legal and be filled out in triplicate.
Another choice is to fix the problem.
I will not take points off for this issue. However, I expect it to be fixed:
Project 2 Pull Request Added a Project 2 pull request that will add the files XMLParser.hpp and XMLParser.cpp and modify CMakeLists.txt so that XMLParser.cpp is part of the build.
Exercise 30: Utilities
I am still finishing the scoring. Points are taken off for:
s that are incomplete or not completedconst int
std::vector<int> v
Zero-Tolerance Policy
The following are fundamental design choices at the C++ level that we have spent more than enough time on. To make sure the message is received, any violations of the following will receive a 0 on the exercise, project, or test question:
by value, e.g. void f(std::string);
by value, e.g., void f(std::vector<int>);
value, e.g., void f(const int n);
For why we do not pass large objects by value, see the Benchmarks
Exercise 33: Utilities II
If you received a non-zero score for Exercise 30: Utilities, your score on that exercise will be replaced by this score if this score is higher. So if you got a 7/10 on Exercise 30, and you get a 10/10 for Exercise 33, your Exercise 30 score will change to a 10/10.
Using the feedback in class, improve your function declarations for the Utilities code. I suggest a commit for each change of a function name, e.g., Rename ...
, and each change of a parameter type, e.g., Change ...
Other changes to consider:
, and [in/out]
. I saw some [in/out]
that is really [out]
. If the previous contents of a parameter are not used in the function, and the parameter value is changed, it is an [out]
.Exercise 36: Create a UML Class Diagram
Create a UML Class Diagram at for the class diagram on the right.
Compose your class diagram at The resulting contents of the box on will go into the file ClassDiagram.txt in the GitHub Classroom Repository (link in Brightspace). You should be able to copy the contents of the file ClassDiagram.txt and paste it into the editor at and see the diagram on the right.
Your final result should look exactly like the image shown here. The style used for the image is Boring, instead of the default Scruffy or Plain.
Make sure to commit after each of the following parts:
Note that can be temperamental. Add iteratively and carefully. Commit often, as you might find yourself breaking your previously working diagram.
Unless otherwise noted, exercises are due by 4:30 pm on Monday, Feb 24.
Week 5 Class 10 Thu Feb 13 Posted: Feb 13
After Class
Due Dates Exercises due next week ordered by due date:
Each exercise is due by 4:30 pm on the day indicated.
Exercise 30: Utilities
For each @TODO
you are to declare a single function declaration, and only call it once in the example.
Do not solve any of the @TODO
s with two or more functions, or call the function more than once.
I am introducing Project 2 because we do not have class on Tuesday, Feb 18.
Exercise 30: Utilities Due: Wednesday, Feb 19
Provide a single function declaration in the file Utilities.hpp and a single function call
in UtilitiesExamples.cpp for each @TODO
in UtilitiesExamples.cpp. Once you
do, remove the @TODO
for that block. The function declarations in Utilities.hpp
must follow the order of the examples of the call in UtilitiesExamples.cpp.
Do not implement the function. Do not provide a function definition. Only provide the declaration and example single call using the variables given. The function declaration must be complete enough so that it would be possible to implement the function.
Make sure the program compiles. But, since you are not providing a function definition, the program will not link or run successfully.
To compile the program without linking:
For each function declaration, include a Doxygen comment that describes
the function and describes what data is IN, OUT, or IN/OUT. An example is already in the include file. Note that Doxygen comments start with /**
Finish the problem for each @TODO
, remove the @TODO
, and then commit.
Each commit should complete one @TODO
. The first one is completed
as an example.
If any of the following occur, then the entire exercise score is a 0:
sExercise 32: Sequence Diagram Due: Tuesday, Feb 18
Create a sequence diagram at for the diagram on the right, which is for parsing a start tag with an attribute.
Start with the SVG file with the GitHub Classroom Repository link at Brightspace, and commit your changes to that repository.
Your final result should look exactly like the image shown here.
Make sure to save as a SVG Image File (vector image with embedded source text)
Each exercise is due by 4:30 pm on the day indicated.
Continue to improve the design of srcFacts using more language features. There are no changes to the functionality of this project, only to the design.
In addition to the following code changes, you will maintain two modeling diagrams. There will be a pull request to add the starting files to your repository.
The diagrams must be updated to reflect the code for each tag. So do not tag until the part below is done and any diagrams are updated.
Tag v2a Implement and close all issues I created as feedback from Project 1. When you finish fixing an issue, at least one commit must describe what you are changing. Add your calls' exact function names and (UML form of) parameters to the xml_parser for the sequence diagram. Due Feb 20 24
Tag v2b Create a namespace, xml_parser
, for the functions in xml_parser. This will involve making changes to the files srcfacts.cpp, xml_parser.hpp, and xml_parser.cpp. Due Feb 21 24
From now on, do not change the files xml_parser.hpp or xml_parser.cpp.
Tag v2c Create the class XMLParser
in the files XMLParser.hpp and XMLParser.cpp where the methods call the free functions from xml_parser.hpp. Do not use any fields/data members. The method parameters must be identical to the parameters of the free functions in xml_parser.hpp. Add the XMLParser as a participant for the sequence diagram and show how it is involved between srcFacts and xml_parser. Due Mar 4
Tag v2d Eliminate any parameters in the XMLParser methods that you can, replacing them with field/data members in the class. In other words, move as many XML parsing variables from srcfacts.cpp as possible. Do this one field/data member at a time. For the class diagram, show the added fields and the removal of parameters. For the sequence diagram, update the parameter lists of the calls to the XMLParser. Due Mar 5
Tag v2e Inline the calls to the xml_parser free functions into your XMLParser methods. Inlining the calls does not mean adding the inline
specifier, and it does not mean changing anything in XMLParser.hpp. Do this one free function call at a time. Ultimately, your XMLParser.cpp should have no calls to xml_parser functions and will not need to include xml_parser.hpp. Do not make any changes to the files xml_parser.{hpp,cpp}. For the sequence diagram, remove the xml_parser participant and any calls. Due Mar 6
Ensure the project compiles, builds, and produces the correct answer at every commit with GCC and Clang.
There is a zero-tolerance policy for the following. A zero-tolerance policy means that you will receive a zero for that part if any of the following are violated:
, v2b
, v2c
, v2d
, and v2e
, the program must compile and build in gcc and clang without errors or warnings.private
Week 5 Class 9 Tue Feb 11 Posted: Feb 11
After Class
v1c Issues posted in GitHub. Scores will be added to Brightspace later.
Issues include:
I have some more feedback on the contents of comments, but they will not affect your score.
Notes: Method Naming Standards
We will follow these naming standards in this course.
Demonstrate the running of your program with TRACE on for a:
You will have to create the srcML for each of these code examples. Use the srcML Playground. Keep the examples as short as possible (i.e., only include a comment). Download these files and have them ready before you start the screencast. Also before the screencast, build with the TRACE option on.
The form to submit the asciinema link is in the title of this exercise.
To make the output cleaner, redirect the generate table to a file ./srcfacts < FILENAME >
Unless otherwise noted, exercises are due by 4:30 pm on Wed Feb 12
Week 4 Class 8 Thu Feb 06 Posted: Feb 06
Project 1 v1b
Feedback for Project 1 v1b is posted as issues in your GitHub repository. If you had a v1c tag, I used that version for any style issues. The only thing I specifically used the v1b version was to build and run the project. No scores yet. Issues include:
Project 1 v1d
In-Class Exercises Failure to provide both name and email on an in-class exercise will lead to an immediate 0.
No, I do not want your student ID number.
Exercise 22: Rainfall V
This exercise is optional. Commits are already in OOPS25-Rainfall-020.
Make the same commits in your repository.
Unless otherwise noted, exercises are due by 4:30 pm on Monday, Feb 10
Week 4 Class 7 Tue Feb 04 Posted: Feb 04
After Class
Unless otherwise noted, exercises are due by 4:30 pm on Wed Feb 05
Week 3 Class 6 Thu Jan 30 Posted: Jan 30
After Class
Project 1 v1a
Scores (out of 20 possible) are in Brightspace for Project 1. The feedback is in GitHub in the Issues tab of your repository. Issues include:
Do not expect that every part (e.g., v1b, etc.) will be graded before the next part is due. This is a straightforward part. The rest of the parts involve a lot more coding. Also, for some parts, I want to grade the parts together.
The first step of Project 2 will be to fix these issues. You can fix these issues now or later. For small changes, I suggest now. Use a commit message that starts with "Fix". After the issue is fixed, close the issue.
Project 1 v1c
Added the due date for v1c.
The Coding Practices Task List is an issue in your GitHub repository.
You will not be asked to explain or define any XML terminology as part of any exam. However, to discuss the problem domain of the project, we require this terminology.
You will need to understand that the parts of XML are a concern, and also that the implementation of a parser for XML is another concern. We will cover the idea of a concern later on.
Exercise 18: Rainfall V
Continuing on using the workflow from Rainfall I
As before, you can follow along and see the commits that I make in class:
Unless otherwise noted, exercises are due by 4:30 pm on Monday, Feb 3.
Week 3 Class 5 Tue Jan 28 Posted: Jan 28
After Class
Engineering, Engineering Technology, and Computing Spring 2025 Career Fair
Career Fair Registration
Registration will close on January 31, 2025, at 11:55 pm
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Time: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm – NOTE THE NEW END TIME (come and go between classes)
Location: Jean Hower Taber Student Union Ballroom & 3rd Floor
We are sold out for our Career Fair once again!
The fair is for students interested in co-op, internship, and full-time placements.
Career Fair & Interviewing Workshop
Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2025, from 1 – 2:30 pm
Resume Review Open House Three Sessions Offered:
Date: Thursday, January 30. 2025
CMake Presets - srcFacts on macOS
On macOS, the libarchive library, libarchive.dylib, is already installed. You just need the proper include files.
I added an (optional) pull request to the repos. If you accept this pull request in GitHub, and do a git pull
in your cloned repositories, it will add a preset for macOS that will correctly set up the include files for libarchive. This does not use the libarchive from brew, but the version already installed on your machine.
To use this, in your build directory, use cmake with the macos
We will have more presets as the semester goes on, for all platforms. So, be sure to start using this on macOS. To see what presets are available:
Also, if you do not see a pull request, then you may have created your repository (using the GitHub Classroom Invitation Link) after I added the pull request. In that case, you already have the preset. Try it and see (if on macOS).
With a few exceptions, the use of proper Git Commit messages is not a part of the grade for Project 1. However, you should try to follow the rules:
Exercise 15: Rainfall IV
Continuing on using the workflow from Rainfall I
As before, you can follow along and see the commits that I make in class:
Unless otherwise noted, exercises are due by 4:30 pm on Wed Jan 29
Week 2 Class 4 Thu Jan 23 Posted: Jan 23
After Class
default The GitHub command-line client, gh
, is very useful. However, the default repo for your GitHub Classroom clones is not your own repo, but the original that your repo was cloned from, the one I setup to generate yours. So if you do a:
it doesn't take you to your repo at GitHub, but to the repo UACPSC/cpsc-421-oop-spring-2025-srcfacts-OOPS25-srcFacts.
The easy fix is to reset your default. The command is:
It will ask you to pick what you want as your default. Pick your repo. Here is an example run:
If you want to truly automate the command and not have to pick, you can use the following:
Note that every time you clone your repository you will have to do this.
srcFacts on macOS
On macOS, the libarchive library, libarchive.dylib, is already installed. You just need the proper include files.
I added an (optional) pull request to the repos. If you accept this pull request in GitHub, and do a git pull
in your cloned repositories, it will add a preset for macOS that will correctly set up the include files for libarchive. This does not use the libarchive from brew, but the version already installed on your machine.
To use this, in your build directory, use cmake with the macos
We will have more presets as the semester goes on, for all platforms. So, be sure to start using this on macOS. To see what presets are available:
Also, if you do not see a pull request, then you may have created your repository (using the GitHub Classroom Invitation Link) after I added the pull request. In that case, you already have the preset. Try it and see (if on macOS).
All project due dates are 11:59:59 pm.
Build and run the Project 1 srcfacts program performing the following:
make run
Enter the following command:
To demonstrate this, you will record a terminal session using asciinema. It records the commands you enter and the output the command produces. asciinema
is already installed in the GitHub Codespaces image. You can also install asciinema on Linux/WSL/macOS.
is relatively straightforward to use.
You can play, pause, skip, etc. You can also copy the commands as text. Note that the replay even includes your pauses and any delay as the command is run.
At the end of the terminal session, asciinema
will show a URL. Anybody can use this URL to view the session. This is what you will submit for the exercise to the link in the exercise title.
IMPORTANT The URL should not contain "connect" or be a local file. Test your URL in a browser verifying that it shows the session you recorded. An incorrect URL will receive a 0.
Exercise 12: Rainfall III
Continuing on using the workflow from Rainfall I
As before, you can follow along and see the commits that I make in class:
If you have any questions or issues, make sure to contact me.
Unless otherwise noted, exercises are due by 4:30 pm on Fri Jan 24
One approach to understanding a system's source code is to count things, such as the number of statements, functions, classes, expressions, and LOC (Lines Of Code). The program srcfacts
produces a report of these counts.
Writing code in a program to directly parse C++, i.e., identify the syntactic parts of the code, is very difficult. So, the srcfacts
program does not parse the C++ source code. It uses another tool, srcML, to convert the C++ source code into an XML format. The srcfacts
program inputs this XML format, parses the XML while collecting counts of parts of the input code, and produces the report. The input has to be in the srcML format, e.g., demo.xml, however it can be compressed or part of an archive, e.g.,, linux.xml.gz.
The srcfacts.cpp program is one large, main() function using almost no design features. It is extremely fast; for example, it can produce a report on the entire Linux kernel (verison 6.13, 60,392 source-code files, an 4.7 GB file in the srcML format) in under 8 seconds. However, in its current form, it is not easy to debug the XML parsing, add additional program element counts, or even understand what is going on. It includes code for parsing all parts of XML, but it would not be easy to adapt the XML parsing code for another purpose, e.g., another report. The only way to reuse this code is by copy/paste reuse. Overall, it has the following:
Design Characteristic | Level |
Scalability | Very High |
Performance | Very High |
Portability | Medium |
Usability | Medium |
Modularity | Very Low |
Extensibility | None |
Reusability | None |
Maintainability | None |
Your task is to take the srcfacts code, improve the overall design, and extract the XML parsing part of the code. When completed, a set of functions in the files xml_parser.hpp
and xml_parser.cpp
will handle as much XML parsing as possible, while the main program, srcfacts.cpp
, generates the report using the XML parser functions for parsing.
The steps (in order) with the associated (git) tag are:
Tag v1a
: Without changing the design, add the code necessary for the report to include the number of return statements. First see how the other counts are collected, then use it as a guide. Do not make any other changes to the project. The heading in the table must be "Returns". Due Jan 28
Tag v1b
: Move the refillContent()
function into the separate refillContent.hpp and refillContent.cpp files. The build is already configured for these files. Due Jan 31
Tag v1c
: Apply the specific design changes from the Coding Practices Task List (an issue in your repository). As you verify that the code follows the practices given, check them off. Once you have completed all of them, close the issue. Due Feb 4
Tag v1d
: Extract a set of (free) functions to handle the low-level details of the XML parsing. Put the declarations into xml_parser.hpp and the definitions into xml_parser.cpp. Extract one function at a time, i.e., each commit can only include a single extracted function. Due Feb 11 Feb 13
Tag v1e
: Add the necessary code to count the number of line comments and literal strings. The headings in the table must be "Line Comments" and "Strings". Due Feb 12 Feb 14
Your repository for this project is through GitHub Classroom, with a link on the Brightspace course page.
must be completed before Step v1b
and clang
. An easy way to verify is with GitHub Codespaces.class
es or struct
s created for this project. You are extracting a set of free functions. Any class you create to solve this problem now would not solve the primary problem of how the srcFacts code uses an XML parser.main()
handles XML errors (invalid XML format) with a direct return 1;
so the program exits with the status of 1
. To exit the program from within any function, use exit(1);
which requires the include file stdlib.h
.git clone
and git checkout
.sudo apt-get install libarchive-dev
. To install it on macOS, use brew install libarchive
. The GitHub Codespaces image already has libarchive-dev installed.General Guidelines
Week 2 Class 3 Tue Jan 21 Posted: Jan 21
Special Announcement
Class Meeting 3 on Tuesday, Jan. 21, is remote. We will meet via Teams during class meeting time.
The class meeting should appear on your Teams calendar. If not, there is a direct link in Brightspace.
I posted a feedback report,, in your repository under the branch feedback. I strongly suggest looking at it on GitHub:
I posted the scores and any additional comments in Brightspace Example report.
Points were taken off for:
Also, do not use term "assignment" or "exercise" in your code. We simulate working on real code.
If you have spacing or wording to fix, you can fix them. However, these commits must start with the word "Fix". Not "Fixing", "Fixed", or "fix", but "Fix".
Exercise 6: Development Environment Setup Results
If you do not have cmake 3.31 or later, you will have problems with further exercises and the projects. Follow my Development Environment Setup instructions. If you have issues or problems setting it up, do not ignore it.
Exercise 9: Rainfall II
Continuing on using the workflow from Rainfall I
As before, you can follow along and see the commits that I make in class:
If you have any questions or issues, make sure to contact me.
Unless otherwise noted, exercises are due by 4:30 pm on Wed Jan 22
Week 1 Class 2 Thu Jan 16 Posted: Jan 16
After Class
Remote Teaching In anticipation of the forecasted cold and possible extreme wind chills, class on Tuesday, Jan. 21, will be remote. We will meet via Teams.
The class meeting should appear on your Teams calendar. If not, there is a direct link in Brightspace.
Exercise 4: Statement Design Quiz
You can follow along and see the commits that I make in class:
If you have any questions or issues, make sure to contact me.
Unless otherwise noted, exercises are due by Noon on Mon Jan 20
Take the starting rainfall.cpp code and make the same changes that I make in class.
Your code is in a repository from GitHub Classroom:
This would be on your own machine with local files.
First, you need to authenticate your local environment with GitHub: Guide: GitHub Authentication. This only has to be done once per environment, e.g. WSL on Windowws.
Then you clone the repository. Cloning creates a local repository that is a copy of your repository at GitHub.
You can get the repo link from the button <> Code button on GitHub, then under Local and HTTPS.
Cloning a repository creates a directory with the name of your repository, e.g., _rainfall-
GitHub Codespaces
GitHub Codespaces provides a development environment in the browser. When you create one from your GitHub Repository, you are already authenticated with GitHub and have a clone repository. So you can start working right away
You can start a Codespace from the <> Code button on GitHub, then under Codespaces.
Build Setup
Git Workflow on Rainfall
Note Your code must build and compile. If you have a build warning or error, fix these before making any more changes to the code.
Note You must commit each change that I make separately and use the exact commit message that I use in class
Week 1 Class 1 Tue Jan 14 Posted: Jan 14
GitHub We use GitHub and GitHub Classroom in the class to manage source code for projects, exercises, and examples. You are required to have a GitHub account.
Optionally, you can apply for the Student Github Developer Pack and get a free GitHub Pro account. To apply, your account email can be a school account, or a personal account if you upload documents to prove your current enrollment status.
commands to do so.g++
and cmake
, so avoid relying on them.O'Reilly Online Learning The course textbook is available in O'Reilly Online Learning.
You do not have to be on the campus network (e.g., via VPN) to access O'Reilly Online Learning.
To access content, click the "Institution not listed?" link below the dropdown and enter your UA email. You will then create an account and use that account from now on.
For more information: Library LibGuide
Exercise 2: Course Content Crossword
Unless otherwise noted, exercises are due by 4:30 pm on Wed Jan 15
Greetings and welcome to CPSC 421 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) for Spring 2025.
GitHub In the class, we use GitHub and GitHub Classroom to manage source code for projects, exercises, and examples. You are required to have a GitHub account.
Optionally, you can apply for the Student Github Developer Pack and get a free GitHub Pro account. To apply, your account email can be a school account or a personal account if you upload documents to prove your current enrollment status.
See you on Tuesday, Jan 14 at 2:00 - 3:15 pm in (CAS) room 144